Mindfulness - Part 2

Lisa Dumas - Our Expert

In this video, therapeutic yoga professional Lisa Dumas shares an important part of mealtime, relaxing and enjoying it!

We know that digestion is supported when our bodies relax, but in our busy lives it’s not easy to carve out a lot of time to slow down before we eat. Lisa offers some simple ways to use our breath, bodies and minds to calm down and arrive in the present moment, so we are better able to enjoy the food we eat.

Lisa’s passion is empowering women to create a much kinder inner dialogue so they can unlearn worry and cultivate authentic courage <3. 

Lisa will be doing a Facebook Live with us on December 6th, so send me any of your mindfulness questions <3.

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)


Part 1

Lisa K -

A student of Mindfulness

View Lesson

Part 2

Lisa Dumas -

An expert in Mindfulness

View Lesson