November - Real Life Healthy Eating



For me, real-life healthy eating is how I live every day. By using the techniques we're working on in this workshop I've created a way of eating for myself that's just plain easy. Yes, easy.

In this masterclass we have 4 sections –

Part 1 & 2 – this is a 2 week healthy eating “challenge” to increase your fruit and veggie intake. It will stretch your healthy habits and bring more nutrients into your diet. 

Anytime you stretch your boundaries, it creates a magical rebound effect. Your normal everyday life becomes healthier. Things feel easier. It’s wonderful :)

Part 3 & 4 – these are longer-term real life healthy eating supports. Part 3 is all about meal prep, including when to use it and when not to. Part 4 guides you through switching out your kitchen pantry items for healthier options. Do this slowly, when you need to replace items (and when it works in your budget :)

I’ll be joining you for Part 1 & 2 this month (Nov 2019), and Part 4 is something I worked through over many years to restock my pantry. I don’t really do Part 3 (meal prep), it doesn’t work for me and that’s a-okay (and it’s a-okay if it DOES work for you <3)

Let’s get started!

Got any questions or comments? Jump to our private Facebook Group or the Ask Lisa page :)

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

Week 1 Challenge

All about ADDING

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Part 2

Week 2 Challenge

More healthy food

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Part 3

Meal Prep

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Part 4

Switch out your kitchen pantry

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