September - Ayurveda



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Oh my, I love this topic! I love it so much I’m surprised it’s taken me so long to add it to the roster. I think I was a bit nervous about doing it justice :).

There are many Ayurvedic principles that I use to balance my diet pretty much every day. Ayurveda marries the nutritional value of food with its energetic properties. It’s really so much more than that, but that’s a good in-a-nutshell description.

It’s a 5000-year-old wisdom tradition that includes the chakras, yoga, and has modern developments including surgery. It’s also rumoured that parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine were inspired by Ayurveda, including the basis of acupuncture.

What I love about Ayurveda is that it embraces your deep uniqueness. What balances you might not be a good fit for me. It’s a way into learning more about what makes you a special human on this earth.

In this masterclass, I’m going to take you through an overview of using Ayurvedic food principles in your everyday life.  

Part 1 – Doshas, your unique constitution

Part 2 – Vata

Part 3 – Pitta

Part 4 – Kapha

Part 5 – Finding Balance & Book Recommendations (if you’d like to learn more :)

Got any questions or comments? Comment below, jump to our private Facebook Group, or the Ask Lisa page :).

Let’s get started! Head over to Part 1.


Part 1

Doshas - Your Constitution

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Part 2


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Part 3


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Part 4


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Part 5

Finding Balance

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