Golden Milk Ice Cream

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Prep 8 h 5 min

Cook 0 min

Ready in 8 h 5 min

Servings 8


  • 2 can(s) (13.5 oz) Coconut milk

  • 1 piece, 1-inch Ginger root (sliced)

  • 1/4 cup Maple syrup, pure (to taste)

  • 1 pinch Sea salt

  • 2 tsp Turmeric, ground

  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

  • 1/8 tsp Black pepper

  • 1/8 tsp Cardamom, ground (optional)

  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract, pure

  • 2 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil (optional)

  • 1/4 cup Candied ginger, uncrystallized (chopped, optional)


  1. The day or night before, place your ice cream churning bowl in the freezer to properly chill . Also, add coconut milk, fresh ginger, maple syrup, sea salt, turmeric, cinnamon, pepper, and cardamom (optional) to a large saucepan and heat over medium heat.

  2. Bring to a simmer (not a boil), whisking to thoroughly combine ingredients. Then, remove from heat and add vanilla extract. Whisk once more to combine.

  3. Taste and adjust flavour as needed, adding in more turmeric for intense turmeric flavor, cinnamon for warmth, maple syrup for sweetness, or salt to balance the flavours.

  4. Transfer mixture (including the whole ginger slices) to a mixing bowl and let cool to room temperature. Then cover and chill in refrigerator overnight, or for at least 4-6 hours.

  5. The following day, use a spoon (or strainer) to remove the ginger. At this time you can also add olive oil for extra creaminess by whisking in thoroughly to combine (optional).

  6. Add to ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions - about 20-30 minutes. It should look like soft serve.

  7. While it's churning, chop up your candied ginger (optional). In the last few minutes of churning, add in the ginger to incorporate.

  8. Once churned, transfer the ice cream to a large freezer-safe container (such as a parchment-lined loaf pan) and use a spoon to smooth the top.

  9. Cover securely and freeze for at least 4-6 hours or until firm. Set out for 10 minutes before serving to soften, and use a hot ice cream scoop (warmed in hot water) to ease scooping.

  10. Will keep in the freezer for up to 10 days or more, though best within the first 7 days.
